helping a law firm protect their intellectual property
The Client
In a bid to protect their intellectual property, our client — a blue-chip law firm in Nigeria— reached out to us to help them prevent unauthorized usage, copying, printing, and forwarding of data/information within and outside the organization. There had been cases of information leaking to external parties, sensitive documents inexplicably turning up outside the organization, and ex-employees grudgingly sharing the organization’s strategic plans when they join competitor firms.
Our Solution
We stepped in with policies to guide the handling of data between networks. We set up their network with safety nets to protect private data by prohibiting staff from sending sensitive information outside the network. We also infused software and hardware technologies to prevent unauthorised uploading and forwarding of private information in an unsafe manner.
Ideation process to hack security process
The Impact
Protected the intellectual property of the organization.
Ensured data compliance within business rules.
Sustained compliance to data regulatory standards across teams.
Prevented data loss on all levels. Maintained data confidentiality and safety.
Regulated data accessibility. Protected the integrity of computer networks.