Reinforcing network security for a global conglomerate

Network security and auditdelware tech

The Client

Our client — a global conglomerate whose operations include manufacturing, services, logistics and warehousing, agriculture, and real estate — sought to reinforce her network security and cut down on unauthorised broadband usage that was slowing down the network and affecting productivity.

Our Solution

We came to the rescue with policies and practices to prevent unauthorized network access, monitor usage and flag misuse.

We also implemented an Automatic Failover on primary and secondary links, to transfer applications to a backup server during downtime which was able to ensure unhindered operations across the organization with regards to internet usage.

As a global conglomerate, our client has remote offices spread across regions, which meant multiple internet-bound traffic from every corner. To solve this, we implemented an Internet Breakout to offload internet traffic flows from remote sites to a central hub, which allowed for more centrally-controlled security even with decentralized access across all usage points.

Journey Map

Ideation process to hack security process

The Impact

  • Improved internet speed across local and remote offices.

  • Allowed for unhindered workflow and better productivity.

  • Ensured equality of service to maximize the profit of applications.

  • Saved funds by cutting down unnecessary internet spending cost.

  • fortified security and protection against malware.



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